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A Day in the Life: Aaron King

Aaron King, our Senior Account Director has worked at ITB for over three years now, and is responsible for growing the influencer marketing division of the business, as well as expanding the agency’s capabilities in the influencer marketing space.

Aaron takes Talking Influence through a day in his life.

To start his day, “Get up, make a coffee, have a shower and fuel up for the day with a Huel Ready-to-drink (chocolate is my favourite). Everyone’s going wild for them at the moment and it makes sure I’m getting all those essential vitamins and minerals before my work day officially starts.”

To end his day, “Most people read a book before they go to bed, I scroll through my iPad. It might start on Rightmove before sending me down a Pinterest hole and then end on TikTok. I call it research for work – but really, it’s just entertainment for me!”

Read the in-between in the original article here.

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